How have we been Team Workers this year?

When I made the letter ‘W’ with my body I had work with other people. –Marley

I was a team worker when I was the manager in my science group. I helped the people that didn’t know what to do. -Elijah

I was a team worker in my science group because I was trying to figure out information and work together. -Harrison

I have been a team worker planning for enterprise day. I was giving ideas to what to make, communicating, listening to people and sharing ideas. -Eliza

I have been a team worker in doing our i-movies. I gave my team ideas and listened to their ideas too. –Imogen

I used team work when I worked with my learning buddy in spelling. We worked as a team to help each other. -Angus

I have been a team worker when we did the i-movie. I was communicating with my group when we made it. -Ashley

I have been a team worker when I worked with my group to make a poster. We took turns putting down information and discussed what would be best for the poster. –Lotte

I was a good team worker when we made our i-movie in a group. I also do team work when I play football for club. I listen to everyone. –Patrick

When we made cordial in a group I let other people share their ideas and listened to them. –Harvey

I have been a team worker when working with my learning buddies. -Jessica

I’m doing team work with my learning buddy with spelling. We help each other. -Billy

I was a team worker in our buddy class. I worked with my buddy to help them with their mother’s day card. -Lucas V

When I worked in my science group I was a team worker. If someone didn’t understand something I didn’t move on I helped them understand. -Lucas A

I have been a good team worker with my learning buddy and when I was in my science group with Jet, Luke and Pepa! -Phoebe S

I had good teamwork when I made an i-movie and poster with my group. I had some good ideas and shared my thinking. -Samuel

In my reading group I am a team worker because I help other people work out unknown words and clunkers. -Seb

When I had to come up with a recipe idea I was working by myself, but then people joined me and we worked as a team. -Alex

When we shared our 3D robots with our buddies I was a team worker because I didn’t get angry when they didn’t understand I explained it more. -Larson

I was a team worker when we did Reader’s Theatre. I was listening to others. -Yasmin

I am a team worker when we do science groups. We all listen to each other’s ideas and work as a team. Everyone stays on task. -Luke

When we were doing science groups I was a good team worker because I was an active thinker. –Toby

When we did science groups I was a team worker. As the director I made sure everyone knew what to do. -Ranu

I have been a good team worker in our science groups. -Phoebe G

For Enterprise Day I worked as a team to serve on our ‘Strawberry Dipped in Chocolate’ stall. -Kaden

On Sports Day I did team work for the Firemen’s Relay. We were cheering for each other and helping each other. -Akiesha

I have been a team worker when I have worked with my friends and helped them. –Jet

When I was making the i-movie I was communicating with others in my group and sharing ideas. -Pepa

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